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Let us help backup your business!


Computers can crash or be stolen. Hard drives burn out and spilled drinks put your company’s future in jeopardy of disaster. Protect your valuable data with the Data Backup Space Application and relax knowing your important information is automatically protected on a secure network.

Choose what you want to backup

- Use checkmarks to select which drives, partitions, folders and files you want to backup
- Create a backup copy of your entire Windows System State
- Create a ShadowProtect System Backup on you own system.

Decide when you want to backup

- Automate your backups monthly, weekly, daily or hourly.
- Simple 2-Click Manual Backup anytime you want

Choose how long to keep it

- You can keep an entire range of backups created on different dates or keep just a few dates

Also Featuring

- Encrypt your data and connection
- Continuous Data Protection on local disks
- In-File Delta compression
- Uses minimal bandwidth with no interuption in connectivity.